Saturday, February 27, 2016

Winning the Morning Part 1

I have been reading a lot about different steps to take to "win" your day. Simple things to do as soon as you wake up that will enhance your day and as a result make your life sooooooooooo much better. Get up! (Yeah, ok. I thought that was a given). Get out of bed! Brush your teeth! (Once I saw brushing ones own teeth as an exercise to bettering ones own life I realized I should broaden my search past googling, "win, morning, easy").

So I googled, and I bing'd. I found some stuff I thought would work. At least for me.

So this is my recipe for cooking up a good day.

Get up!
HA! That's not number one on the list!

I decided to start with...

1) Make your bed.
Make your bed.
Make your bed.

This may seem stupid. It may seem simple. But....think ahead 12 hours. How good does it feel to turn down your blankets and get into a bed that has been sitting and waiting for you all day?!
The scientific reasoning behind this is that making your bed every morning gives you your first real sense of accomplishment of the day. Hey! I woke up! bed is made!

2) Drink a glass of water.
For some of us, drinking water, PLAIN WATER, is an accomplishment in and of itself. Just do it. Drink the water. One glass.

3) Get Dressed

Again, to some of this may seem so silly, but it is NOT. Get up. Get dressed. Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good.

4) Eat something.
That's it. Eat something.

This one is the most important.

Before you leave the house.

Before you talk to anyone.

5) Smile.



For Five seconds smile as hard as you can. Look as ridiculous as you can. Dance hard for five full seconds.

Think about your puppy.

Think about people dancing.

Laugh at yourself.

Laugh at baby goats.

Laugh at life!

Do it.

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